Join the green community
We are put together speed networking events for corporate hippies and entrepreneurial tree-huggers working to solve the climate crisis. Share ideas, resources and collaborate in the space!
Save time, money & carbon
Choose to remotely network instead of attending conferences
How it works
1. Register
2. Create your profile
3. Choose who you meet
4. 1 hour speed networking
5. Schedule longer conversations
6. Repeat & grow your network fast!
100% pure, organic networking
This is an hour dedicated to speed networking only. No workshops, talks or promotions. Make connects fast and easy.
Be proactive, make networking a habit
Start getting to know new connections before you need a change.
Surprise connections & converstations
You never know who knows who! Dive into a wealth of experiences and insights.
Next event
Join us! Wednesdays @1:00pm ET
Looking to connect within your green industry?
Please apply so we know how to match you in the future based on your personal goals. We will send you an email when the event is ready to go!