

Organically match & meet other corporate hippies

Attend speed networking events to grow your connections organically, sustainably, naturally and fast. 

How it works

1. Select the event you want

1. Select the event you want

1. Select the event you want

1. Select the event you want

What are your goals? Select the event that matches

We run bi-weekly open industry events that allow you to meet a mix of top-notch professionals with the same common goal to save the planet. We are also growing a waitlist of each specific industry sector and business goals. Pick the one that fits you. 

Industry sectors

Apply and join the waitlist for industry niche events. Once we have enough applications to launch the event, we will let you know. 

Business goals

If you are not industry specific but are ready to launch a new start-up or land a new job, network with others looking for the same. Form a peer group and people to give you support and feedback.

Cross pollination

You never know who knows who. Apply and join for the bi-weekly open industry events. Grow your network fast and sustainably. If you are accepted into any niche event, you are automatically invited to the open events. No need to apply twice.

Next event :Nov. 16

10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CEST

We work to ensure you only connect with professionals who are passionate about the planet. Please apply so we know how to match you in the future based on your personal goals. 

Save time, money
& carbon

Choose to remotely network instead of attending conferences

40 new connections via remote speed networking


4 hours

40 new connections via physical conferences 


40 hours

100% pure, organic networking

This is an hour dedicated to speed networking only. No workshops, talks or promotions. Make connects fast and easy. 

Be proactive, make networking a habit

Start getting to know new connections before you need a change.

Surprise connections & converstations

You never know who knows who! Dive into a wealth of experiences and insights.